Since this article was posted, the international Network Interpretations Team has issued RFI 201824 stating that the send and receive keys can be independently rekeyed. Therefore, the requirement that the ‘aggregate’ traffic be counted is no longer mandated according to …
6 Tips to Help Avoid Surprises In Your Next Common Criteria Evaluation
Undertaking a Common Criteria (CC) evaluation should not be an opaque process from a timing, process or cost perspective. In this post, the testing experts at Lightship provide 6 practical tips to ensure that you are getting the best value …
How to get on the NSA/NIAP Product Compliant List (PCL)
Many vendors seeking to sell hardware or software to the U.S. Government, particularly to defense and intelligence agencies, will find that cyber security product certification is mandated by federal procurement requirements (CNSSP 11) for these environments. We know, because many …