Network Device Collaborative Protection Profile Overtakes EAL2

Network Device Collaborative Protection Profile Overtakes EAL2

Lachlan TurnerCommon Criteria

A lot of vendors are targeting their Common Criteria (CC) efforts towards Network Device Collaborative Protection Profile (NDcPP) compliance. A survey of the Australian, Canadian and US in-evaluation lists showed that there are around twelve ongoing NDcPP evaluations (Feb 2017). In comparison, there are ten ongoing Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL)2 evaluations (AU/CA only). This reflects the five-eyes policy shift towards Protection Profiles and the corresponding long sunset of EAL evaluations (at least in the five-eyes*).

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Common Criteria Protection Profile or Collaborative Protection Profile

Collaborative Protection Profiles

Lachlan TurnerCommon Criteria

If you’ve been looking into CC certification, chances are you may have heard the term Collaborative Protection Profile (cPP), or at least Protection Profile (PP).  This post provides a quick intro and some reference links.

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