
Cyber Security Test Lab 2.0

Jason LawlorCertifications, Uncategorized

Product certification providers like Lightship have been relatively insulated from the pace of change that other industries have been forced to adapt to over the past several years.

That is no longer the case.  Increasingly technical, prescriptive test requirements, product complexity and new assurance demands mandated by governments mean that product certification labs are being forced to evolve and adapt.

At Lightship, we are re-thinking the entire end-to-end evaluation process and how to engage with our various stakeholders in a more scalable, modernized way. The certification process between a vendor and a lab is ripe for optimization to reduce friction points, development churn and to ultimately get more certified products into the hands of end users faster and in a more standardized, cost effective and automated way. In short, we are striving to be a version 2.0 certification lab.

From contracting to project management to pre-validation work and eventual formal testing, Lightship is investing heavily into talented personnel and developing test automation technology, tools and processes that simplify our client’s involvement in the overall certification process. This investment is providing better, more streamlined outcomes for their certification program spending.

There remains a lot of work to be done to realize our vision of what a “typical” evaluation can and should look like in terms of project and scheme administration, speed, efficiency, cost and level of effort by the vendor.  We at Lightship embrace the challenge.  As an independent, owner operated organization, we are uniquely positioned to make the longer-term investments that we know will help to transform 3rd party product certification into an automated, streamlined process over time.

The lab 2.0 approach will be further necessitated by forthcoming assurance demands from growing industries including the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles and connected medical devices to name a few.    The lab 2.0 approach reduces gaps in test methodologies and provides more precise assurance results along with a better mechanism to deal with the pace of product release cycles in a fast moving, agile world.

Through development of smart automation capabilities, early client engagement and modernized processes, we are committed to be the change that we know so many vendors would like to see when they embark on their next product certification project.

Talk to us today on how we can help you realize your federal sales needs and help certify your product at the speed of development.

Jason has been involved in the leadership of different cyber security companies, including being responsible for the accreditation, management and profitable growth of several government-accredited IT security laboratories. Jason drives the Lightship vision of modernizing the product certification landscape.